What To Create An Online Business In

Choosing Your Own Business Path

In today’s post we’re going to be taking a look at the landscape of digital entrepreneurship, where there’s an increasing number of opportunities blooming every day.

But in this vast digital economy, you might be wondering what what to create an online business in – there’s just so much choice. Let me make that super easy for you. You see among the many paths you could venture down, creating your own blog is not just a viable option, it’s a goldmine waiting to be tapped.


Now, you might ask, ‘Why blogging?’ It’s simple. Blogging is not just about sharing stories or information anymore. It’s become a strategic cornerstone for those looking to build a highly profitable online business.

Unlike other models that may come with steep overheads or technical complexities, a blog can serve as the heart of a cost-effective and fully scalable enterprise.

Consider this: the benefits of starting your own blog are not fleeting. They can accumulate over time, leading to passive income, authority in a niche, and ongoing customer engagement. It’s the kind of digital property that, with nurture and care, grows in value day after day.

And the really great news? You’re not alone in this journey – there’s a long established and fully proven system available that will take you by the hand and have you started in your own business literally in minutes:

Wealthy Affiliate, an established platform in operation since 2005, stands as a testament to the potential of blogging. With more than 2.4 million members having taken advantage of its system, it’s a powerhouse of knowledge, community, and proven blogging strategies that’s even free to start.

That’s something we’ll explore in greater detail as we move on. In the meantime, I strongly recommend reading my full overview of Wealthy Affiliate before going any further

The Ease and Affordability of Launching a Successful Blog

If you’re thinking about diving into the online business world, you’re probably wondering about startup costs and complexity. That’s where the beauty of blogging really shines. I’m going to walk you through how straightforward and affordable it can be to start a successful blog, with a little help from resources like Wealthy Affiliate.

You might feel like there’s a steep learning curve when it comes to creating an online presence. But here’s the thing: it’s easier than ever before. With platforms like Wealthy Affiliate, not only do you get the tools you need, but you also gain access to an entire community of bloggers and entrepreneurs who started just like you.

Forget about the heavy investments required for inventory, physical stores, or expensive software. Blogging is different. You need a domain, hosting, and a content management system to begin. Wealthy Affiliate offers all of this, and at a cost that’s hard to beat – especially considering their wealth of educational resources and support systems.

In fact, Wealthy Affiliate takes pride in their accessible approach, offering everyone a free starter membership to get their feet wet. I’m talking about the real deal here – a place where you can start a blog with minimal financial commitment and immense growth potential. There’s a reason more than 2.4 million members have taken advantage of this platform since its inception in 2005.

Hearing from those who’ve been in your shoes can be incredibly affirming. Wealthy Affiliate showcases stories from members who had little to no blogging experience and have turned their blogs into profitable ventures. I’ve seen stay-at-home parents, students, and retirees alike discover that the basics of blogging – when paired with guidance and community support – are attainable and fruitful.

So remember, blogging isn’t just about writing and posting online; it’s about connecting with a system like Wealthy Affiliate that offers the resources and community to turn your blog into a highly profitable business. As we delve into the next section, you’re going to find out just how the Wealthy Affiliate system can pave the way for your blogging success.

The Wealthy Affiliate System: A Proven Path to Blogging Success

wealthy affiliate

You might be wondering how a platform could make a substantial difference in your blogging journey. Let’s take a closer look at what makes Wealthy Affiliate stand out. This isn’t just about providing tools and hosting; it’s more about delivering a comprehensive roadmap to success. From the initial idea to a revenue-generating business, Wealthy Affiliate’s system offers guidance at every turn.

With over 2.4 million members who’ve taken the plunge, there’s an undeniable track record behind Wealthy Affiliate. Founded in 2005, the platform has evolved with the internet, continuously updating its approach to ensure relevance and effectiveness. It’s free to start, which means you get to dip your toes in and see for yourself how well the system works.

One of the crowning jewels of Wealthy Affiliate is its community. It’s a place where experience meets enthusiasm, where seasoned bloggers share what they’ve learned with newcomers eager to grow. This community-driven approach includes collaborative learning and direct mentorship, providing a spectrum of insights that’s hard to find elsewhere.

But don’t take my word for it — dive into the success stories published right on Wealthy Affiliate. You’ll find entrepreneurs who started from scratch and built thriving online businesses, harnessing the power of the very system I’m talking about. These testimonials underscore a crucial message: following this proven system can elevate your blog to heights you might not have imagined possible.

Realizing Your Blogging Potential: Commitment and Consistency

I’m going to lay it out straight for you: blogging isn’t just about having passion or the right tools; it’s about commitment. You’re going to find out about the indispensable role dedication plays in your blogging journey.

Imagine your blog as a garden; you have to nurture it with attention and care to see it flourish. That means committing to a consistent schedule, dedicating at least ten hours a week to cultivate your online presence.

If you’re anything like me then you’re probably thinking to yourself “…but I’m not an expert in anything, what can I write about?” Am I correct? Trust me, you really don’t need to worry about that. With the state-of-the-art AI tools provided within Wealthy Affiliate you can become an expert in any subject you choose.

Now, if you’re unsure about how you can squeeze those hours into your already packed schedule, I’ve got some tips for you. Start by analyzing your week and find pockets of time that you can allocate to blogging. Keep in mind, short, focused bursts of productive work can be incredibly effective. Prioritize your blogging like you would an important meeting or workout session.

Remember, when you’re part of a system like Wealthy Affiliate, you’re not alone. With the guidance from seasoned experts and a community of bloggers who have ‘been there, done that’, you’ll find the strength and knowledge to keep going, even when the going gets tough.

In my opinion, tapping into the vast network of 2.4 million members of Wealthy Affiliate can provide you with the roadmap and motivation needed to propel your blog forward. Imagine being free to start your journey with such a treasure trove of experience at your disposal. This isn’t just a learning platform; it’s a springboard to achieving your online business dreams.

So my question to you today is, are you ready to commit to your success? If the answer is a resounding yes, then Wealthy Affiliate might just be the catalyst you need. As you take this final leap, remember, your journey with Wealthy Affiliate, which has been refining bloggers’ paths since 2005, is only the beginning. The rest, as they say, is up to you.

6 thoughts on “What To Create An Online Business In”

  1. Great article Richard! You touched on a lot of things that I have become very passionate about in recent weeks including the importance of productivity and commitment to your work here in the online space. I also could not agree more with the things you said about wealthy affiliate! It really is a great program with a wonderful community.

    I do have a question that I hope you might be able to provide some insight on. Something I have discovered is that it is very easy to feel stuck at times…even after you get going and start pumping out blog posts. What would be your advice to beginners who feel like they hit a roadblock and they’re not really sure where to go next?

    • Thanks for taking the time to comment Chase. I always appreciate feedback.

      As to your question: it’s a tricky one, because the reason you’re getting stuck could be for a variety of reasons, eg. poor keyword choice, no comprehensible text or simply lacking patience.

      Try taking a look at the comments on your posts. Are you getting any in the first place? If not then that indicates a lack of engagement, so take a look at your writing style and content length.

      Install analytics and see how visitors are interacting

      Finally, I find it’s mostly just a matter of waiting for Google to start taking note of your posts. So just take note of your content quality and length and hang in there!

      Hope this helps

  2. I read your blog post pertaining to “Wealthy Affiliate” affiliate program. What impressed me the most is the new tool that WA introduced. And that tool is state of the art AI auto blogger. The most important task is the keyword research and that too can be accomplished with the AI keyword too Jaxxy. I believe Wealthy Affiliate is the best business opportunity out there. Thank you for your recommendation.

    • Thanks for taking the time to comment Gary, I always appreciate feedback.

      Fully agree with you re the keyword research importance. No point whatsoever in spending valuable time creating content that no-one is searching for

  3. Thanks, Richard, for these tips and insights into blogging and the high quality of the Wealthy Affiliate platform. It is so important as you mentioned to have commitment and to be consistent in that commitment. Having a strong community with an abundance of training from Wealthy Affiliate makes it much easier to develop the consistency needed to get the desired results.


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