My #1 Success Recommendation

A Profitable Online Business For Under $50 Per Month? 2.4 Million People Say “YES”

That headline is somewhat provocative I’ll admit, but that was totally intentional.

I wrote it in the hope that it would make you take notice and hopefully jar you into some action.

You see, there’s two basic types of people in this world:

  1. the dreamers – the dreamers, who represent the great majority of the population.

    They’re the people who always fantasize about having a successful and happy lifestyle, but never seem get around to actually doing something about creating it.

    They always seem to come up with some sort of excuse as to why it can’t happen… just yet.

    Ultimately, the reality is that they’re just comfortable living their humdrum lives – and that’s just where they’ll stay

  2. the doers – they’ve decided do whatever it takes to create their lives on their own terms.

    They see opportunities, whereas the dreamers see problems.

    The doers comprise a minority for sure, but they’re the ones that actually change the world

I’m really hoping you arrived at this page because you’re tired of being amongst the dreamers and you have a burning desire to become a doer?

If so then well done, you’re at the right place and I can definitely help you out!

In this article I’m going to explain in detail about the system I use exclusively to create and then to manage my own successful online businesses – a system that’s helped more people achieve freedom through their own online businesses than any other in history.

I’ll start by giving a brief overview and then go into more detail so that you can make an informed decision as to whether it’s something you’d like to try for yourself.

it’s a pretty long read, so make yourself a coffee first!

A SERIOUS Question to Start With

Before we get started though, let me ask you a question if I may, and I’d really like you to think about it.

The question is this: How Truly SERIOUS Are You?

Simple enough, right? But before you read any further, I’d like you to take note of three basic criteria that are crucial to success in any business endeavor:

  1. WORK – success in any business takes (consistent) effort. Are you willing to commit to investing 5-10 hours per week into your business?
  2. COSTS – there are always running costs associated with a business and if you ever hear otherwise then you’re being lied to. In this case it’s under $50 per month. Are you OK with that?
  3. PERSISTENCE – There’s an old proverb, “Rome Wasn’t Built in a Day”. Are you willing to keep your efforts going until you succeed?

If you can’t honestly commit to these, then I’d suggest clicking the back button right now and not wasting any more of your time.

That’s blunt I know, but it’s the way it is. The truth is that it’s impossible to create any sort of business (let alone a highly profitable one) without putting in some “Sweat Equity” and also some money – and the amount of each required here is laughably tiny compared to any other business model.

Are you OK with this? Excellent, then let’s carry on…

Introducing Wealthy Affiliate – Your One-Stop Success Shop

wealthy affiliate

So What is Wealthy Affiliate?

In a nutshell: It’s an online platform that provides training, tools, resources, and community support for anyone who wants to create their own massively successful online business. Businesses that generate their income using a process known as affiliate marketing (I’ll discuss this in more details below)

It was founded way back in 2005 by two young entrepreneurs called Kyle and Carson who’d already achieved significant success through affiliate marketing and now had a burning desire to help others do the same.

Since then more than 2.4 MILLION people have used Wealthy Affiliate to create their own online success – a truly staggering number.

The Primary Goal of Wealthy Affiliate

Their primary goal is to help you create and grow your own online business based on your interests and passions (although with their state-of-the-art research and development tools it’s perfectly possible to create a massive business even if you know precisely zilch about a topic).

Whether you are a beginner or an expert it has something for you.

You can access literally thousands of courses, tutorials, webinars, and live classes that cover everything from the basics of building a successful site to the advanced strategies and techniques that can take your business to the next level.

But Wealthy Affiliate is more than just a training platform. It is also a place where you build and host your own websites, use their cutting edge AI powered tools and resources to optimize the performance of those sites, and network with other like-minded and supportive people who can help you along the way.

In other words, it’s the complete one-stop shop for everything you need to succeed online.

And the best part is that a starter account is totally free and completely non time-limited. So you can get a taste of what it has to offer without taking any risk at all.

Your free starter account gives you the opportunity to try out Wealthy Affiliate for yourself and from this form an educated opinion if it’s going to be for you or not.

If you then decide you want to get serious about building your own online business (as apposed to being just one of the many idle dreamers) then you’ll move onwards to the next level.

This means upgrading to a Premium Account, which costs $49 per month, or $497 if you pay annually and gives you everything you need for success

A Brief Explanation of Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a form of online marketing where you (the Affiliate) promote products or services from other companies (referred to as the Vendor) and earn a commission for each sale or required action generated from that referral.

The commissions can range from 5% to 90% and in value from a couple of dollars to two thousand dollars or more

It’s a low-cost and low-risk way to make money online, as you don’t need to create your own products or handle customer service – the vendor deals with all of that. The following diagram details the affiliate marketing process:

affiliate marketing process

It looks a simple process doesn’t it? In reality it is, but of course as with any other endeavor, there’s some basic (and also not so basic) skills you need to learn along the way.

So let’s now dive into the world of Wealthy Affiliate in more detail…

The Initial Steps to Success

Company Name: Wealthy Affiliate

Website URL:
Price: Starter FREE, Premium $49/mth or $497/year, Premium Plus+ $99/mth or $697/year
Founders: Kyle & Carson
Community: 2.7+ MILLION members
Overall Rating: 4.9/5
Trust Pilot Consumer Rating: 4.9/5
Research Tools: 5/5
Customer Support: 5/5
Training/Classes: 5/5
WordPress Hosting: 5/5
Websites: 5/5

Free Test Drive: YES. Get Rolling Here! (no credit card required)

Let’s Get Started!

My suggestion if you’re genuinely wanting to start your own successful online business is to firstly complete the following steps. None of them are at all difficult:

  1. create your own free starter account – as I’ve said already, you don’t need a credit card for this and there is no time limitation on your account 
  2. once you’ve created your account, you’ll be taken to the “Hubs” section. Hubs are where you create and manage everything to do with a particular website. You’ll see that there is a list of training modules available to you. Click on the first module which gives you a full overview of how Wealthy Affiliate works. BTW: all of the training modules are available in video and text form
  3. go through all the training modules and complete the task list in each. At the end of this you’ll have your own website up and running along with a complete website structure template and a full researched content plan!
  4. set up your profile details on your new account – your photo, bio details and personal business goals. It’s been shown time and again that members who do this are much more likely to stick with the training and go on to achieve success
  5. still serious about your own success? If so, then click the upgrade account button to move to a Premium Account

Once you’ve upgraded, you’ll not only have full access to all the training plus the research and development tools, you’ll also be able to use the live chat facility and ask questions to get help.

One thing you’ll quickly find is that Wealthy Affiliate is not only an amazing training system, it’s also a fantastically helpful community. You’ll always be able to get (and eventually offer) help.

==> Get Started With Your Free Test Drive TODAY! <==

Starter Account vs Premium Account

I’ve mentioned the subject of upgrading to a Premium Account several times, so let’s discuss that a little bit further shall we?

Everyone when they start out on their Wealthy Affiliate journey does so at the Free Starter Account level. There’s no way to join initially as a Premium member. This was a quite deliberate and smart decision on the part of Kyle and Carson all those years back.

They understood very well that not everyone would have the drive and ambition to go on to actually put in the necessary time and effort to create their own successful business. However if they made it as easy as possible for people to get started and to see the possibilities for themselves then they’d reach a lot more potentially successful people than if they started charging up-front.

So do You Really Need a Premium Account?

The answer to that is YES – the Free Starter Account is only intended to give new members the opportunity to check out Wealthy Affiliate for themselves without any financial risk, nothing more.

And, let’s be quite blunt about this. The fact is that Wealthy Affiliate is a business, not a charity, so they need revenue. And to be honest, $49 per month (or $497 per annum if you pay yearly) to build a successful online business is quite simply peanuts.

Trying to put together all the tools, training and resources available to you within Wealthy Affiliate using other third-party tools and sites would cost you a minimum of $1500 per month and most likely more and as for a traditional bricks-and-mortar type business, kiss goodbye to $5000 pm at least.

Here’s a detailed breakdown comparison of free starter and premium accounts:

starter vs premium account

So as you can see, the free starter account offers you pretty much everything you need to be able to try out Wealthy Affiliate for real, without taking any risk.

==> Get Rolling for Free Here, Then Decide on the Premium Upgrade <==

Core Features of Wealthy Affiliate

Let’s now discuss the major core features that you get within Wealthy Affiliate – there’s a lot!

1 – Training

There’s a massive amount of training available to you as a member of the Wealthy Affiliate community. This training is broken down into three areas:

  1. The core training program– Online Certification with 50 lessons. This program provides all the knowledge you need to get a business up and running and on the road to great success
  2. Regular live classroom sessions – these range across all sorts of topics and are for a variety of expertise levels. They have the added bonus of being able to jump in with questions at any point – something you obviously cannot do with pre-recorded content.You’re going to want to get in on these when you’re ready to take your business to new heights (don’t worry, they’re all recorded)
  3. Classroom database – there’s classrooms for any online business topic you can think off from keyword research to writing effective content to AI tools and containing more videos, written tutorials and webinar recordings than I care to try counting

In short, training on any subject you’ll ever need

2 – Research And Development Tools

One of the really cool things I just love about Wealthy Affiliate is it’s concept of being a one-stop-shop when it comes to building and running an online business.

This extends down to the tools available within it. You can do everything you need related to your business without having to leave the platform.

The tools can be broken down into two basic areas – research and website development/management. Here’s a list of the major ones taken directly from the Wealthy Affiliate site:

tool list

If you want to try doing all the above on your own then all I can say is – Good Luck!

3 – Website Hosting

What is meant by site hosting? Well, if we use the analogy of a conventional business, the hosting provider is the landlord. It’s where your website is stored and then delivered to your visitors.

Top rate hosting is a vital component of online business success and without it you’re sunk.

By top rate I mean that the hosting needs to be:

  1. fast – the site content needs to be delivered to the user as quickly as possible
  2. reliable – a site is useless if the hosting providers servers are down
  3. have a good reputation – if the hosting provider has a bad reputation with the likes of Google then your site will never be displayed in search results. A bad reputation is normally caused by the provider hosting sites with spam or even worse fraudulent content

With Wealthy Affiliate you’ll never have problems with any of these. Your hosting is included as part of your account – so nothing extra to pay – and it’s always fast, reliable and with a quality reputation.

4 – Community Support

As I’ve already alluded to above, Wealthy Affiliate is more than just the training, tools and hosting. It’s also an incredibly supportive community where you’ll always be able to get assistance with any problems or questions you have.

This may not seem to be too important to your right now, but believe me you’ll very soon start to appreciate it’s true worth!

==> Get Started With Your Free Test Drive TODAY! <==

It’s Honesty Time – What Are The Drawbacks To Wealthy Affiliate?

OK, let’s get real. Nothing in this world is perfect and that also applies to Wealthy Affiliate.

Whilst I’ll cheerfully admit to being one of their biggest fans, I’m also prepared to admit that there’s a couple of things that have frustrated me at times:

1 – Too Much Information?

As I’ve already discussed, there’s a massive amount of information available to the members. Sometimes though that sheer quantity can seem a bit overwhelming rather than helpful.

I found the best solution to this was to concentrate solely on the core training in the Hubs section initially. The training modules available here provided me with all the information I needed to get up and running and start to build success.

After that, I simply took note of the fact that Wealthy Affiliate is also a fantastic community. So, I just asked the question – “what area of learning should I concentrate on next?”. And of course, I received a number of helpful responses back in minutes (it was more advanced Keyword Research BTW)

2 – Regular Redesigns

Change is a fact of life in the online world and that’s definitely the case at Wealthy Affiliate.

Without regular change any online presence will wither and die. Although I fully understand that, it’s sometimes hard to cope with it – especially when one is getting on in years as I am.

Wealthy Affiliate rolls out around 12-15 platform changes a year, although a lot of these happen “behind the scenes” and so are not noticed. About every three years there’s a substantial redesign to the platforms layout and functionality.

These can sometimes be a little difficult to get up-to-speed with, especially when you tend to get set in your ways as I tend to do. So you’ll need to get used to change if you’re to succeed with Wealthy Affiliate!

That’s pretty much all the negatives I can think of.

==> Let’s Concentrate on The Positives – Get Started Now! <==

Wealthy Affiliate Success Stories: Real People, Real Results

So, are there really people genuinely succeeding with Wealthy Affiliate? Absolutely!

If a service has been in existence for 18 years and grown from strength to strength in that time then it’s for a very good reason.

Since the business started in 2005 there’s been literally thousands upon thousands of success stories posted in the community. Anything from someone making their first affiliate sale or finally being able to quit there day job, all the way to another posting about their first million dollar year

So to give you some perspective I’d like to share a few success stories with you here. This is just a tiny fraction of what’s been posted, but it’ll give you an idea:

What you’ll soon discover about the Wealthy Affiliate community is that they don’t go around bragging about their success (and by implication belittling others). It’s a place where the successful tend to go quietly about their business.

Personally I’ll never share any information about my earnings with anyone that I don’t have an intimate relationship with, because it’s private.

This is totally different to much of what you’ll encounter in the online business world, where you’ll soon discover there’s a huge number of blowhards bragging about the luxury cars, houses etc. that they supposedly have (yeah – right). At least 99% of this bragging is pure BS

Wealthy Affiliate is the total opposite, a community of quiet achievers and elite marketers. Sure, some people share success stories, which is wonderful, but for every story shared there’s 1000’s that go unreported.

I’m 100% certain that you can also be one of those success stories as well. All you need to do is simply to get started and if you put some energy into it you’ll be rockin n rollin in no time!

==> Click Here to Get Rolling With Your Free Starter Account <==

Lets Sum it All up

I’ve covered quite a lot in this article from an overview of the system – the different account plans available, the core features of the platform and finally some of the many success stories.

I really hope it’s given you the incentive to give Wealthy Affiliate a try out for yourself, because ultimately that’s the only possible way for you to truly determine if it’s for you or not.

Yes, I understand that I’ve been pushing it quite hard and I’m making no apologies whatsoever for that because I genuinely believe that there is quite simply no better alternative available to you to achieve your own successful online business.

I’ll sum this article up very bluntly: if after reading this you decide to take no further action then from that point on poverty becomes self-imposed

If you’d like to ask me any questions you can post them into the comments below or use my Contact Page if you’d prefer a private discussion.

Alternatively you can contact me from directly within Wealthy Affiliate once you’ve created your own starter account. My profile id is: richardr01

I wish you all the best for your future success!

8 thoughts on “My #1 Success Recommendation”

  1. Great informative article. You mentioned that Wealthy Affiliate has a supportive community. How can members benefit from this community, and what kind of support is available? Could you elaborate on how changes and redesigns of the platform impact users and their online businesses? In your opinion, what are the key advantages of using Wealthy Affiliate compared to other similar platforms for affiliate marketing? Could you share more success stories or examples of individuals who have achieved their online business goals through Wealthy Affiliate? I am interested to learn more about this platform and opportunity.

    • Hello Marko. Thanks for taking the time to comment on my post.

      That’s a lot of questions! It’ll probably take a whole post to answer them all. My suggestion is to create your own free starter account and have a look for yourself (you can also click on the search icon and do a search for Success Stories). You can get it set up in 5 minutes and it’ll cost you nothing

      You’ll be able to see the chatroom as soon as you log in, so ask a couple of questions and see what responses you get. You can also click the Help link at the top and you’ll see the various communication options.

      Changes and redesigns vary greatly in size and scope, so I cannot provide a general answer to your question about their impact. Currently they’re in the middle of a major two part AI focused redesign on the content writing tools which are going to massively improve that aspect of our businesses.

      The key advantages to WA? Amazing training, state of the art toolset, a fantastic community and all for the lowest price available anywhere.

      I hope this helps

      Regards – Richard

  2. Hello, I am looking for a successful way to make money online but I don’t know where to start and I am afraid that I won’t make it because I have no experience. But Wealthy Affiliate sounds like a great affiliate marketing platform to learn how to run an affiliate marketing business. What really attracts me is the support of the community and the top-rate hosting that Wealthy Affiliate provides. Here’s my question: How long is the training and How long does it take to start making money? Thank you very much!

    • Hello – thanks very much for your comment, it’s always great to get feedback.

      If you’re after a successful way to make money online then I truly believe there’s no better way than Wealthy Affiliate (but hey, I AM biased)

      In answer to your questions:

      the training can take as long as you want and need. Some people get through it in a couple of days while others take a lot longer. There’s a lot of variables that come into play with peoples circumstances. The important thing is to do your best effort with the exercises that are incorporated in the training. That’s how you really learn

      As regards earning money. Be realistic and allow 3 months at least before you earn any. After thaat if you just keep on with the quality content creation the growth becomes somewhat exponential. Kyle gives an excellent breakdown of this in the initial training.

      Good luck with your success – Richard

  3. thank you for this great post! i’ve been looking around for blogs on how to start with affiliate marketing, but I’ve been a little bit scared of the risk that after buying into somethin i’d still have to buy a bunch of extra services. but Wealthy Affilate sames to tackle just that right? it seams to include all the tools i need to get started which feels super promising! I will have to give it a try!

    • Thanks for taking the time to comment Jonah. Yes, you’re correct, Wealthy Affiliate really is the “one stop shop” that I talked about.

      To me, if you’re serious about online success then joining is a total no-brainer

  4. Absolutely love this review of Wealthy Affiliate! It’s like a roadmap to online success, and I couldn’t agree more with the analogy of soaring with eagles instead of scratching with chickens. I’ve been a part of the Wealthy Affiliate community, and it’s truly the bombdiggity for anyone serious about building a successful online business. The support, training, and tools available are unmatched. Here’s to soaring with the eagles! Have a good one. 

    • Hey, thanks Jake, I really appreciate you taking the time to comment. I also love your expression “bobdiggity” – never heard that one before!


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